S U P E R - T E C H
MHF Series Online UPS Systems
MHF Series Online UPS Systems
MHF Series Online UPS Systems

Isolation & Ultra-Isolation Transformers

What is Isolation Transformer?

An Isolation Transformer isolates the primary and secondary circuits, providing safety by creating a fresh neutral with zero voltage to ground. It can maintain a 1:1 voltage ratio or step up/step down voltage, while protecting against electrical noise and surges, ensuring cleaner and safer power.

Variants :

  • Single Phase (1-phase)
  • Three Phase (3-phase)
  • V-connected (3phase input – 1 phase output)

Our Range :

  • 1-50 KVA Single phase
  • 3-500 KVA 3-phase
  • 3-500 KVA V-connected isolation

Benefits :

  • Helps in reducing machine failures due to electrical disturbances such as noise, transients, surge, spikes.
  • It also helps you overcome neutral related problems & weak earthing conditions.
  • Voltage between earth & neutral reduces to less than 1V, hence improves life and efficiency of your equipment's.

What is Ultra Isolation Transformer?

It provides all the features and protection of an isolation transformer , plus gives you noise attenuation filtering the electrical disturbances, such as noise, spike, surge, transients.